
Food like a top restaurant with a steam oven...

If you're looking for a really high quality oven for your kitchen, you shouldn't miss a steam oven in your selection. ..

If you're looking for a really high quality oven for your kitchen, you shouldn't miss a steam oven in your selection. ...
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If you're looking for a really high quality oven for your kitchen, you shouldn't miss a steam oven in your selection. The principle of operation of a steam oven is virtually identical to that of a high-end restaurant food processor. The result is a very tasty yet healthy meal.

Steam ovens use non-pressurised steam at a temperature of approximately 40 - 100 °C, so that the cellular structure of the food is not disturbed. A water tank is built into the steam oven to generate steam, which is then pumped into the oven. This allows you to enjoy an exceptional culinary experience. Another advantage is that you don't need to use unhealthy fats when cooking and you don't have to season your food too much. The steam will leave the food with its natural appearance, taste and content of all important nutrients.

Steam ovens are multifunctional appliances and can combine steaming and baking with hot air. Steam cooking prevents the transfer of flavours and aromas, so you can prepare several different dishes in the oven at the same time. The steam oven is the perfect tool for heating food, and it also makes food taste freshly prepared. If you're not a very skilled cook, you don't have to worry about burning your food thanks to the steam oven.

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  • Chef: Adela
  • Published:

Category: Best recipes

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